House Party 0.13.2 Released to Beta Testers



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Hey guys!


Here’s House Party 0.13.2!  Lots of optimizations and bug fixes, as well as voice acting for all of the characters.  Next, we’ll be working on the stable release as we keep on cracking down on the bugs and polish things up a bit more.  Enjoy!




  • Added voice acting for all characters
  • Added new textures for the Living Room Television
  • Reduced all characters down to one skinned mesh (Performance Optimization)
  • Increased thought bubble size
  • Added cactus model
  • Added neon sign model
  • Added 2 lawn flamingo models
  • Fixed some issues with ragdoll (passed out) form
  • Fixed Madison artifacts on leg
  • Fixed Madison and Vickie skin mask issues
  • Fixed some errors that could happen on the main menu
  • Fixed an issue that was affecting the position/visibility of the Vape’s smoke particle effect
  • Added UnlockFPS console command, which will allow the game to render at the maximum achievable frame rate. This command does NOT disable Achievements
  • Improved feedback texts for a handful of console commands.
  • Exposed additional “SendEvent” game events for story creators
  • In the Original Story: fixed a few cases of “missing goodbye” response options, or other minor response availability issues
  • In the Original Story: the Player shouldn’t have to get quite as close to Patrick to trigger his story sequence behind the gazebo
  • In the Original Story: fixed a minor issue with two responses in Ashley’s Drunk and Disorderly content that were preventing them from appearing to the Player
  • In the Original Story: fixed various bugs related to the “…Screw Like a Bee?” opportunity
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that would cause Katherine to stand around unresponsive and “Apply Pressure” to stall if she reached the downstairs bathroom door while Frank was In Combat or Knocked Out due to the events of Derek Smash!
  • In the Original Story: much like with the groping, there may now be negative repercussions for striking a character with a well-aimed “climax projectile”. TLDR: skeeting on peeps can be dangerous.
  • In the Original Story: various grammatical and typo fixes as well as minor clarifications in a number of Opportunity descriptions
  • In the Original Story: tweaked Vickie’s use of her “don’t get too drunk” greeting dialogue to not be used quite as much, notably after she and the player have already been intimate
  • In the Original Story: Patrick and Ashley will no longer socialize during “Family Time” at the firepit. They will focus entirely on the lovely family bonding process at hand
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that was causing the Player’s “Sensitivity” to be repeatedly modified (and sometimes stuck at zero) by Vickie’s intimacy finale events, even after the Player had completed said events
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the Player’s underwear to clip through their pants after some playthroughs of Ashley’s “Sibling Warfare” content
  • In the Original Story: characters should not react as aggressively when the Player accidentally “climaxes” on them. They should only react with their intended reactions when the player purposefully “releases” on them “by himself” or under other very limited situations
  • In the Original Story: resolved a handful of situations in which the Player’s pants would be forced back on, even if the Player had their pants taken as a side effect of events that unfolded at the end of “The Muse” with Derek
  • In the Original Story: added a preventative measure to further reduce chances of Players starting the Ashley-Madison prank sequence while Madison’s “Smooth Operator” finale is still pending, which could cause a major break in the content
  • In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause the Player to be unable to obtain the Smooth Operator: Ashley opportunity if they were a gentleman and secured Ashley’s top before interacting with her in any other way
  • In the Original Story: moved the start event for Patty’s Striking Resemblance and a few other key events around to help prevent issues from occurring when Patrick gets knocked out at inopportune times
  • In the Original Story: the Player can now earn the right to occupy Frank’s chair…or can they?
  • In the Original Story: the Player can now open the closet doors in Ashley’s room (no purpose yet, other than to limit the chances of items or NPCs becoming stuck inside in niche situations)
  • In the Original Story: added provisions to keep Madison from walking away from Derek and the Player during her intro dialogue to The Muse
2 comments on “House Party 0.13.2 Released to Beta Testers
  1. uğur says:

    test mi? test edecekler miş. test etti. test ediyor. test ediliyor. test yapacak. test yapılıyor. yükleniyor. yüklenecek belki :))) ocak tarihinden bu yana yaşananlar vay beeeeee.

  2. LLLeon says:

    Have you all fixed the “This is 2017, Everyone has a cell phone” line when talking to Stephanie about Patrick’s phone yet??? After all.. It’s 2019 now..

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